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About Us

SenseNC combines a team of engineers to develop an innovative biosensor. The team is composed of eight students enrolled at North Carolina State University across the disciplines of Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. Through teamwork and mentorship from our team’s supervisor, Dr. Michael Daniele, SenseNC will contribute ground-breaking advancement of modern medical technology. 

Our goal is to accurately detect H1N1 in a saliva sample while producing a positive user experience. H1N1 is a dangerous disease, commonly known as swine flu, and is aerially transmitted through coughing/sneezing. Thanks to the SensUs 2021 competition we will be provided the opportunity to safely research, develop, and test a device that will be able to determine the concentration of H1N1 in human saliva. This challenge will allow each team member to advance professional skills that will be used in their future careers. The SenseNC team is excited to participate in this international competition while contributing to the improvement of biosensors.

  • Correlation Scatter
  • Measured Biosensor Signal
  • Time To Result
  • Sample Volume
Contact info

Email - sensenc.sensus@gmail.com

Twitter - @sensencofficial

Instagram - @sensencofficial

LinkedIn - SenseNC