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About Us

We are BiosensUM, an interdisciplinary team of Canadian undergraduate and graduate students from both University of Montreal and Polytechnique Montréal.  We come from various fields such as chemistry, microbiology, biology, biomedical engineering, and engineering physics. With 75% of us being women, we are the first Canadian team with such a high feminine presence. We proudly highlight the importance of women in science by standing on the ideals of equity and equality.  

 We are thrilled about the topic of virus detection as it is relevant to the infamous coronavirus that has shaken the world this past year. In these times, having a quick and efficient method for virus detection is key, and we aim to develop a more portable and more efficient method to detect the H1N1 virus.

 We are motivated by the challenges ahead and excited at the opportunity to propose a design that could help mitigate a future influenza outbreak. The real-world relevance and the international aspect of this project drive and motivate our team to develop an innovative diagnostic device. We truly believe that through competitions that promote innovation and learning, we can have a beneficial impact on the world.

  • Correlation Scatter
  • Measured Biosensor Signal
  • Time To Result
  • Sample Volume